Last Updated on April 18, 2022 by Local Trainer

5 Combination Exercises that really burn fat

These exercises are in no particular order but understand that they are challenging exercises. These exercises are probably not for beginners.

If you’re looking for more basic exercises, check out our starter programs here.

Exercise number 1


Burpees are a total body combo exercise including a jump and a push-up add a kick back and return.

Looking for start slowly when you try them and be sure your landing on soft surfaces for your hands and feet.

If you can do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 burpees, You are going to get a lot of fat burning from them.

Exercise number 2

Squat curl press.

This is a combo exercise where you would take a dumbbell or a kettlebell or a weighted plate.

Begin by performing a squat and letting the weight go down between your legs to about 4 in off the floor then squat up curl the way and press the way vertically above your head with a shoulder press. All in all you’re going to do 3 exercises here. you’re going to squat, then curl, then press the weight above your head to complete one rep and then go all the way back down to the squat to start another one.

Complete to 2 3 sets of 10 to 12 Squat Curl Presses.

Exercise number 3

Single leg hip lifts with knee drives.

Brace yourself on a secured bench or a ball driven into the corner and drive one leg up into the air using the other leg and add a drive at the end of each rep.

Use your hands to brace yourself on the ground for balance and control. This exercise should never be done in a messy or aggressive manner. Quality is key for safety and to protect your core and lower back.

As you advance, you can carry a dumbbell on the loaded leg for more challenge.

Complete 2-3 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each leg.

Exercise number 4

Side to side lunge with dumbbell switch. (Side lunge without weight pictured)

Perform a lunge to the side much as if you were taking a large ice skating stride. carry a dumbbell in your outside hand and as you sink down, let it drift toward the outside edge of your foot. As you drive back up to the middle, switch the dumbbell in your hand and pass it to your other hand as you lunge to the other side and repeat.

Complete to 2 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each leg.

Exercise number 5

Step back lunges with curls.

Carry two dumbbells, one in each hand and step back into a lunge. As you drop into the lunge, carry the dumbbells down with you and as you step forward out of the lunge, curl the dumbbells up to complete a bicep curl.

Complete 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Always remember that with Advanced exercises, you want a professional to show you how to do them properly and safely to avoid injury.

These exercises can burn lots of calories and fat and they can be part of an excellent weight training routine. They will also improve your cardiovascular conditioning as well.

Get your trainer to add them into your routine today to take your Fitness to the next level.

Best of health,

Local Trainer.