

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying!

We’ve trained all kinds of personal training clients over the years and these are just some of the results they’ve achieved. All testimonials are accurate and though they’re results are incredible, please note that your results may vary.

Feature Client Testimonials

“I lost 40 Lbs in 3 months and have kept it off for 7 years! I can do 10 chin ups like nothing now and before I had trouble with one. My Doctor’s thrilled with my blood pressure levels and my clothes are tight and loose in the right places now and nothing hangs over my belt line.”

-Paul S.

My sister and I worked with our trainer for about 4 months. We needed guidance, motivation, and a plan to get us back on track in the midst of COVID. I had mobility issues and a lot of pain in my legs from inactivity. My trainer worked with us to formulate an exercise program to get us started and moving again. I am now walking most days and feel a lot stronger.

-Steph C. 73 yrs

“In less than a year and 95 lbs later! For someone who’s never played a sport or spent time in a gym, it was intimidating to start, but my trainer soon put me at ease. The knowledge level and professionalism made a huge difference for me. I want to run up to people and say: “You don’t need to live like this, you can change!”

-Bethany H. (56 Yrs).

“Down 25 lbs and have a toned butt. Full of energy and
I’m enjoying my new body every day! Looking forward to running my first 10k!

– Jenn M. (42 Yrs).

“My trainer has made a great difference in taking my athletic ability to the next level. He’s exceptionally knowledgeable, personable and has a passion for helping others achieve their athletic & fitness related goals. It’s been a pleasure to work with him over the past 5 years!

-Andrew B. (30 Yrs).

clara weight loss testimonialClara lost 22 lbs! My Trainer is fantastic! He encouraged me in the sessions, and gave me practical and helpful suggestions for how to hit my weight loss goal.

– Clara L. (39 Yrs). 


Ashley lost 34 lbs! She originally had what she called a pear shape and wanted to get in better shape for her upcoming wedding. In less than 7 weeks, she had already dropped 8 inches off of her hips, 2 off of her waist and 1.5 inches off of each of her arms.

– Ash H. (37 Yrs). 

“My Trainer’s subtle tips have made all the difference. I’ve shed 32 lbs in record time! The suggestions are amazingly simple and can be incorporated into any lifestyle.”

– Cathy H. (52 Yrs). 

“My in home trainer has been my personal trainer for the last nine years. Throughout that time, I have enjoyed many benefits from working with someone who has such a thorough knowledge of body mechanics and functional training. His knowledge and drive to stay current with new developments have, more than anything, kept me injury free during my journey. Although I have fallen off the fitness wagon from time to time, he has always been there when I was ready and able to crank things up again. In addition to his technical knowledge, he has always shown up with a positive and very supportive attitude. I consider myself fortunate to have found such an amazing personal trainer.
I am pleased to offer my highest recommendation to anyone who may be interested in working with
him in any capacity.”

– Dennis P. (63 Yrs). 

*Results Disclaimer: Please note results may vary. Though all of the above individuals on this website have
seen great results, there are many factors that can influence whether or not an individual will respond to various
physical fitness programs. Individual weight loss results vary from individual to individual.