Last Updated on January 21, 2022 by Local Trainer

Do you have to follow a diet 100% to lose weight?

Many of today’s trendy diets can sound like their the answer to the eternal challenge of weight loss.

Paleo, Atkins, Intermittent Fasting and so many more eating plans tell you they have the answer for weight loss, muscle building and overall health. So with every diet out there sounding so convincing, which one should we follow?

In short, the answer is to follow your own healthy diet and perhaps not try to completely follow every aspect of a marketed diet as it will be tough to do so.

Though we all have systems that can run on various foods, we also all have natural tendencies. One person might do well on carbs whereas another person won’t need as many. Some people can easily digest a steak whereas others have a tough time eating one. We’re all a little different and that’s where individualizing your diet may be the right move in the end.

For Example,

Diet 1 may recommend no carbs at all whereas Diet 2 may say that fat should be really low. The challenge is finding out whether you match or not with a given diet. You may also find that you can follow a blend of diet recommendations instead of having to pigeonhole yourself into one specific diet.

Many of us naturally respond to a certain type of eating plan based on many factors including our activity level, genetics, natural digestive enzymes and many other components. This makes it necessary for us to fine-tune eating patterns that work well for us personally instead of the other way around.

As trainers, we develop health and fitness programs that work well for the individual. The whole point of personal training is to train the person properly for their needs. We avoid making General recommendations that might work for one client but won’t work well for another. This is the same way you should approach your diet.

How to Set Up Your Own Eating Plan

To get specific diet recommendations, the best thing to do would be to hire a registered dietitian. Registered dietitians or RD’s for short are professionally trained nutrition experts. They have a much higher level of nutrition training that requires a degree and they are the only people that are allowed to give specific dietary recommendations to treat various conditions that you may have.

So if you’re looking for a diet for you, feel free to hire a registered dietitian.

Best of health

Local Trainer