Last Updated on April 28, 2022 by Local Trainer
How to burn fat 101
Most of us want to get in shape and get stronger and faster and Fillmore mobile overall but almost all of us want to burn some fat as well.
But, though it sounds simple, burning more fat isn’t as easy as you might think.
We all have different bodies and different enzymes in our the eye tracks and we respond differently to various workout protocols and training regimes. All of these factors can affect how effectively we burn fat compare to another person.
To help you get started, we put together some tips on how to burn fat.
Fat Burning Tip #1: Add More Fat
• By now you probably heard that it’s important to have healthy fats in your diet for your heart and your joints and to help keep inflammation down. That being said, you may not have heard that having healthy fat on board helps the body release fat because it feels as though it is getting adequate fat intake. In other words, there’s no reason to storm or if you’ve got lots of good fat coming in.
• Another thing that eating more healthy fat helps is to do with satiation. When we eat more fat, it helps fill us up. Believe it or not, it’s not that easy to eat a lot of fat. Healthy fats are very filling and they can keep us feeling full for a very long time.
• Also, by having more healthy fat onboard, our blood sugar levels stay lower. Because fat takes longer to digest, it slows the release of energy into our blood streams. This can help keep our blood sugar in check. When blood sugar stays lower, we have a better ability to burn more fat.
Fat Burning Tip #2: Add More Intense Exercise
If you are able and healthy, you can increase the intensity of your exercise to burn more fat. Do yoga and walking and milder workouts are great starting points, as you progressed, you want to increase intensity.
Intensity is King when it comes to burning more fat. just two intense workouts per week can have a huge impact on shedding fat.
Just be sure not to start an intense workout without proper guidance and protocols in place. It’s dangerous to go to aggressively too soon or strike training too hard if you haven’t built a proper conditioned base and had been cleared by a physician. It’s best to work with a personal trainer for more intense workouts.
Fat Burning tip #3: Cut Back on Sugar Portion
Every article I’ve read on sugar says to cut it out completely. I don’t agree with this whatsoever. What I do agree with is that you should cut back on the portion of sugar that you were taking in.
If You’re having a dessert in the evening, it must be small. a good guy would be half a fist or approximately the size of 1 1/2 golf balls.
This portion of sweets or treats should never have a large impact on burning fat. However, if you’re taking in large bowls of ice cream or baked goods during the day oh, it may be challenging to burn more fat.
Dense, rich and heavy sugar portions will certainly not help you burn fat and they may even add to your waistline.
For now, just focus on the sugar portion and getting it smaller. if you find that you’re craving larger portions of treats, try to add more healthy food in the priests eating meals so that you’re not craving such a large treat.
Fat Burning Tip #4: Stop Under-Eating!
Over my years as a trainer, it’s been really common to find that people are under eating. Both men and women do it but I’ve seen stats saying that as much as 90% of women are under eating!
You’ve got to remember that healthy food is very bulky and very low calorie. you can eat a lot of it and feel very full despite taking and very few calories. When You do this, you’ll also tell the brain that there’s always food coming in which will give you more energy, get the engine running and help you burn lots of fat.
Going along in a droning and dragging state where you have low energy all the time and feel flat is not a good state to be in for long-term fat burning.
Instead, take a look at some of the meal plans and you’ll notice how much food is actually in there even if the meal plan is only for 120 lb person.
To watch out for under eating and make sure to be eating enough healthy food so that your engine keeps burning fat instead of feeling flat.
Fat Burning Tip #5: Hit The Weights
The number one reason we weight lift is because it’s a progressive activity.
If you play volleyball once a week, the only way you burn more fat after each week is if the volleyball gets harder. This is really tough to achieve if you’re just playing volleyball Whereas on the other hand, weightlifting can easily be made Harder by simply moving the pin down a bit.
Once the weight lifting gets a little bit more challenging, you add more muscle and more muscle burns more fat.
The whole key to weightlifting is the progressive nature of the activity. It’s one of the very few activities like this and as a result, it’s one of the best long-term fat burning things we can do.
Bonus Fat Burning Tip: Get Consistent With Water
Water is still one of the best fat burning and weight loss nutrients out there.
The key is to keep your water intake consistent and not fall off the horse and forget to drink. when we are hydrated, we have better energy, better focus and a better ability to workout.
Water really is the key catalyst to many of our body’s functions and it must be on board if we’re hoping to achieve a good fat burning program.
Hopefully, this fat burning tip list should help you shed more fat. It should have red like a simple list that most people could achieve. The key to really burning fat is applying simple principles over longer periods of time. This is a far better approach versus a trying crazy things over a short period of time.
Go with these simple fat burning tips and you’ll find that the fat will not only come off but stay off in the long run.
Best of health,
Local trainer.