Last Updated on February 9, 2022 by Local Trainer

Does the magic weight loss pill actually exist?

It’s the eternal question, why can’t they make a magic weight loss pill that will take all my fat away and make me beautiful?!

The simple fact is that they can. It’s really not that hard to make a pill that would put our systems into high gear. Drug companies make far more complicated pills than stimulants so, it’s well within their reach to make a simple drug that will speed up some fat-burning in humans.

Unfortunately, this endeavor is fraught with all kinds of dangers and pitfalls. If we make it a pill that can shed 500 calories off of you everyday, we’re going to be putting your system on overdrive. This will eventually cause a crash and possibly other harmful effects to your body.

If we were to push the envelope even further and create a pill that burns a 1000 calories off of humans everyday, we could run into some really dangerous side effects.

This type of pill would never be approved by the FDA or CFIA and other governing bodies due to these possible harmful outcomes. So what ends up happening with all these other pills that claim to have incredible weight loss affects?

Do Weight Loss Pills Work?

We can’t speak to the effects of any of these pills because we’ve never taken them or recommend them however, odds are they have little effect and can easily be offset by having one extra piece of chocolate or a gulp of orange juice during the day so why bother.

In general, it might be the case that weight loss pills are essentially barely effective because they wouldn’t be approved if they were extremely effective and thus, not a great option for weight loss and not a great option to waste money on.

So now that we’ve burst the magical weight loss pill bubble, what’s a person to do?

First, understand that being on a rocket fuel weight loss pill could cause serious harm to your body.

Second, know that a pill that aggressive would only work while you’re on it and would likely have huge ramifications when you stop taking it.

The reality is that the miracle of the weight loss pill really isn’t a miracle at all. It’s a nice thought but, when we map it out, it’s not so much fun in reality. You’re far better off to find lots of natural healthy and safe remedies in your diet.

Try This Instead of Pills

Here are a few healthier options than magic weight loss pills.

1. Look for needless calories that are going in:

  • Extra sugar in your coffee
  • oversized drinks,
  • extra fat on meats,
  • another glass of alcohol at the end of a party that’s dwindling,
  • not having a healthy dessert a few times a week and so forth.

These are all examples of sneaky calories that can pass under our radar. Find them and you’ll find some magic weight loss of your own pretty quickly.

2. Look for a workout slot:

Find a 20 to 30 minute time slot in your schedule. If you’re crazy busy, you might have to force the issue but if you’re not, look for a dead 20-30 minutes during your day or evening. This is a great time to put it in a little bit of exercise. What you do doesn’t matter, just focus on finding the time slot first.

3. Do something today:

We often take a “tomorrow” approach to weight loss but in truth, all the magic happens today if you want to get in shape. Tomorrow and the magic weight loss pill are in the future. Instead of worrying about them, figure out what you can do today. If you can’t work out today, look at how you can make a healthier food choice today or look at your schedule and figure out where you can do something healthier tomorrow. Whatever you do, make sure you do something today.


Don’t worry about the magic weight loss pill, it’s probably not coming anytime soon and that’s a good thing for you and your body. If someone claims that they found it, be skeptical and look for healthier options.

You have the ability to control your health and weight loss without the use of supplements and pills. Take charge of your body and you’ll be amazed at how magical your results really can be.

Best of health,

Local Trainer