Last Updated on December 6, 2021 by Local Trainer

Weight loss is NOT about elimination diets, excess protein, cutting carbs or running on the treadmill for 3 hours a day. It’s about simple, logical change. 

Let’s debulk these weight loss ideas and then get into some easy weight loss tips you can do.

First, The Latest In Weight Loss

Do you need excess protein? Probably not. So why add it, it’s just excess calories.

Should you do intermittent fasting? Perhaps, but would you prefer normal eating because it worked fine before they came out with intermittent fasting.

How about cutting carbs? Are you really eating enough bad carbs to gain weight? If so, think about eating carbs with nothing on them and you’ll find your culprits aren’t carbs.

Cardio to lose weight? It plays a role but weights and healthy eating can slim you down much faster.

So if all these extreme approaches don’t work, what does?

Easy Weight Loss Tips Anyone Can Do

1. Change Half Your Diet

When we think of cutting out every bad dinner or snack, it’s just too much. It’s too extreme and restrictive and thus, we end up not doing it because it feels like a jail sentence. What you want to do instead is to add a healthier meal 3-4 times a week.

For example:

a) If you make egg omelets, take out one or two of the yolks. You don’t need it. It’s just filler. But they’re healthy? Take them out, you don’t need them.

b) Add a healthy snack mid afternoon a few days a week to decrease the size of your dinner (apple and 4 Walnuts). This will have your brain thinking you’re fuller by dinner and thus help you balance out your food.

2. Add More Vegetables

Clients tell me all the time that they don’t like vegetables and that vegetables don’t do anything for them.

First, you don’t need to like everything you eat. Some intake should be for health purposes just like brushing your teeth. We don’t like it but we all do it. Follow that credo.

Second, vegetables have all kinds of nutrients and fiber and they do lots of great things for us. That being said, the best thing vegetables do for us is: They add bulk to our meals. This tells our brains we took in more food and this is huge for weight loss and health. If you starve yourself both literally and visually, you’re going to have a tough time shedding the pounds.

3. Don’t Cut Calories

Cutting calories isn’t a permanent change. Stopping eating will waste away a lot of good tissue and very likely have you gaining back more in the long run. I’ve seen clients do it in the past and it has never worked and is fraught with pitfalls.

Instead, add more healthy foods to your diet. It’s about adding good, not removing all. One works and the other causes a crash and regain.

You must remember the body is set up to help you survive. If you go into the desert with no food, it’s not going to speed up your metabolism so you die sooner. It’s going to slow down and make accommodations for you to live. So, if you keep putting it into the desert, you may find you keep losing a bit, then subsequently rebounding up in weight over and over.

I’ve been witness to this phenomenon with many many clients and it’s not fun. So, don’t starve yourself, don’t lose muscle and don’t cut calories too much or you may fall prey to this nasty cycle despite a great deal of hardship.

4. Do Some Weights

If you’re under 20, growth hormone is on your side and you don’t need to weight train. If you’re over 20 and as a result, don’t have as much growth hormone in your system, guess what the best way of stimulating it is: Weight training.

You’re active, you go for walks, you play sports, you jog, you do yoga, you’re busy around the house. None of this is weight training. Bite the bullet and pick up a dumbbell. It’s a gamechanger.

5. Forget The Details

-Don’t get caught in the minutia of whether broccoli is better than Kale or if carrots have too much sugar.

-Who cares if you can only workout for 17 minutes today. Just do 5 leg exercises and leave it at that.

-If you’re hungry, just eat something. Don’t hold out for dinner when your body is asking for food now.

-Don’t change your entire diet at once. Just change a few meals to begin with.

The details will bog you down and they’re really not necessary for getting results. Just do what you can. It’s far better than analyzing things too much.

For exercise, if you like exercising in the morning, start a routine in the morning (10 mins is good). You can tweak it later, just figure out what’s going to work for more than 3 days. Who cares if a study said exercising in the morning wasn’t as effective as another time.

These are the types of changes you want to make. Simple, safe and lasting to get some basic weight loss started.

Bonus: Hire a Trainer

The most important thing an in home trainer is going to do for you is filter everything for you.

I was asked just the other day by a client whether she should increase the amount of weight she was lifting to maintain her bone density. She was already lifting enough weight so it wasn’t necessary despite what an article she read had stated.

Another client mentioned that he read that he should be doing much more cardio for fat loss. I explained that for men, cardio was the least important factor for fat loss. Diet and weight training have far greater effect to the extent that I literally don’t care if my male clients do any cardio at all to get in shape.

If you want some help, book a free consult and we’ll help clear the cobwebs. We can give you a few personalized tips for your own individual program and a few ideas to get started. Click here to learn more.