Last Updated on September 19, 2023 by Local Trainer

25 Healthy Snacks List

All snacks can be interchanged and ingredients can be mixed. Just be sure to keep the overall portion size of the snack the same. Also, if you make any item switches, make sure the replacement item is the same type of macro nutrient. For example, if you switch out an apple (Carb) make sure to replace it with a Carb. And if you switch out a protein, make sure to replace it with a protein.

Some snacks are higher calorie and “tastier” than others. Try to have these snacks less often and try to implement some healthier snacks more often. More fat loss and overall health will come from your diligence in making more healthy choices.

1. Water (don’t forget to add it to your snack)

2. Fruit or berries and Greek yogurt

3. Apple slices and almond butter

4. Celery and natural peanut butter / Almond butter

5. Greek yogurt topped with a little granola

6. Frozen berries and cottage cheese (low fat or 1% fine too)

7. Frozen yogurt Popsicle: Combine fruit and yogurt in Popsicle mold and freeze and
enjoy as a tasty dessert.

8. Piece of whole grain toast with apple or orange slices

9. Baked Apple with cinnamon (cut apple in half and bake lightly and top with

10. Veggies and hummus

11. Veggies and almonds (combine almonds and your favourite spices and mix them up
for more flavour)

12. Carrot and celery sticks and tzatziki

13. Healthy bruchetta: Combine sliced tomatoes, small amount of mozzarella and Ryvita
or Wasa crackers with olive oil and or balsamic vinegar

14. Veggies with homemade guacamole

15. 1/8 avocado and piece of whole wheat toast

16. Dried Chickpeas (easy to find at Costco)

17. Veggies with salsa

18. Egg and spinach omelet cooked with a little olive oil

19. Egg frittata with spinach or chopped peppers

20. Flavoured whole wheat rice cakes (easy to find at whole foods or similar stores)

21. Beef, salmon or vegetarian jerky pieces (portion approx. half a deck of cards worth)

22. 2 oz. turkey / chicken with 1/4 avocado

23. Yogurt with pumpkin seeds and 1/2 teaspoon of honey

24. Candied or smoked salmon bites and a few veggies. Or a few shrimp and a lemon

25. 2-3 cups plain popcorn with healthy toppings

So there you go, 25 healthy snacks you can add to your diet. Remember, it’s about adding healthy food, not taking out food. We want to give your body what it needs to look great and get in shape!

Local Trainer